Have you ever wondered how much your money is worth when exchanged for different currencies? Here’s the latest update from Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) as of March 19, 2025
Philippine Peso Exchange Rates Today:
1 US Dollar = PHP 57.29
1 Japanese Yen = PHP 0.38
1 British Pound = PHP 74.52
1 Hong Kong Dollar = PHP 7.37
1 Swiss Franc = PHP 65.35
1 Canadian Dollar = PHP 40.06
1 Singapore Dollar = PHP 43.07
1 Australian Dollar = PHP 36.43
1 Bahraini Dinar = PHP 152.02
1 Saudi Riyal = PHP 15.28
1 Brunei Dollar = PHP 42.90
1 Indonesian Rupiah = PHP 0.0035
1 Thai Baht = PHP 1.71
1 UAE Dirham = PHP 15.60
Why Does This Matter?
A stronger peso means cheaper imported goods and travel expenses.
A weaker peso makes exports more competitive but increases costs for imported products.
If you’re traveling, investing, or sending money abroad, staying updated is crucial!
Gold & Silver Prices
Gold: $3,030.95 per ounce
Silver: $33.95 per ounce
What do you think? Will the peso get stronger or weaker?