On Thursday, around 170,000 passengers filled the Parañaque Integrated Terminal Exchange (PITX) as people returned home after their holiday travels. The busy terminal is expected to get even more crowded until Sunday.
Busy Times for PITX
Jason Salvador, the corporate affairs head of PITX, explained that the crowd was a mix of people returning from the provinces and those who traveled to Metro Manila for their vacations. The holiday rush is a busy time for everyone, and it’s not over yet!
Traffic Challenges on the Bicol Route
One of the biggest concerns for PITX management is the Bicol route, which has been facing heavy traffic on Andaya Highway. This caused some delays for passengers heading home before Christmas. However, the team was ready for this, as they had standby vehicles ready to deploy quickly, making sure passengers didn’t have to wait too long.
Busy Weekend Ahead
It’s not just PITX that’s packed; other transportation hubs are seeing a lot of activity too. The ports are expected to handle over 600,000 passengers, and the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) is also busy with returning travelers.
In fact, 2024 is expected to be a record-breaking year for NAIA, with an estimated 50.1 million passengers expected to pass through—more than 10% higher than last year!
As more travelers return home, transportation hubs are working hard to make the process smoother and quicker for everyone.