Philippine peso lone gainer among emerging Asian currencies

The following table shows rates for Asian currencies against the dollar at 0204 GMT.

Currency Latest bid Previous day Pct Move
Japan yen 145.550 145.26 -0.20
Sing dlr 1.306 1.3048 -0.10
Taiwan dlr 31.945 31.938 -0.02
Korean won 1337.600 1334.8 -0.21
Baht 34.315 34.218 -0.28
Peso 56.320 56.5 +0.32
Rupiah 15500.000 15480 -0.13
Rupee 83.923 83.9225 +0.00
Ringgit 4.377 4.375 -0.05
Yuan 7.135 7.13 -0.07
Change so far in 2024
Currency Latest bid End 2023 Pct Move
Japan yen 145.550 141.060 -3.08
Sing dlr 1.306 1.319 +1.00
Taiwan dlr 31.945 30.735 -3.79
Korean won 1337.600 1288.000 -3.71
Baht 34.315 34.165 -0.44
Peso 56.320 55.388 -1.65
Rupiah 15500.000 15395.000 -0.68
Rupee 83.923 83.208 -0.85
Ringgit 4.377 4.590 +4.87
Yuan 7.135 7.098 -0.52

 —Compiled by Rishav Chatterjee in Bengaluru; Editing by Subhranshu Sahu

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